Yoga Classes Based in Peterborough

Bring softness and peace to your daily lives by practising yoga. Here at Brian Yoga Reiki Relaxation in Peterborough, I offer both group yoga classes and personal one-to-one sessions. Together, we can work to improve both your physical and mental health by incorporating brilliant exercises and breathing techniques.

What is yoga?

The ancient practice of yoga originated in Indus Valley, Northern India over 5,000 years ago and is a highly spiritual practice that can boost your mind, body and soul. Through breathing, physical exercise and concentration, yoga can improve your flexibility, calmness and well-being.

In modern yoga, there are several styles that can be practised, such as Bikram (hot yoga) and Hatha (physical poses). Most modern types of yoga heavily focus on exercise, breathing and agility.

Here at Brian’s Yoga Peterborough, I base my classes around a variety of yoga poses and breathing techniques to stimulate inner peace.

Lady doing the yoga pose downward dog
Black and white meditation

Is yoga suitable for all ages and abilities?

Yes, of course!

Yoga is a great option for exercise, no matter your age or physical abilities. As it’s a holistic practice, a lot of the work focuses on balance and coordination. A common part of ageing is discovering discomfort in your joints or spine and yoga can help to reduce it. In fact, it’s been proven that regularly practising yoga can improve your strength, immunity and longevity.

I’ve taught people of varying abilities at Brian Yoga Reiki Relaxation and I am able to modify the poses to suit your individual needs.

Outdoor yoga class stretching
Bare feet on a yoga mat
Women stretching
Chakra stones

The Benefits of Yoga

  • Improve your flexibility, balance and strength

  • Helps you sleep better

  • Increases both your physical and mental energy

  • It can ease joint and arthritis symptoms

  • Relieves and helps to manage stress and improves your well-being

Want to join a yoga class but still have a few questions?